About us Why we exist Why we exist The Langalanga Trust (LLT) supports the education of children and young adults from the Langalanga area of the Rift Valley in Kenya. We work to provide these young people with the opportunity to achieve their potential in the face of inequality and disadvantage. Our projects are numerous and diverse but share this purpose and are inspired by our vision of empowering individuals to change their own lives and those of their communities. Funding from the LLT provides: Scholarships to better secondary schools and further education; Free school meals for some Primary Schools in the most deprived areas near to the towns of Gilgil and Langalanga; Support to the Woodard Langalanga Secondary School. Essential maintenance, equipment and resources for some local schools. Much of our work also centres on the journey from education to employment and support for community initiatives delivered through our partners. We also provide opportunities otherwise unavailable to our scholars, such as networking and career advice, and provide vital support to the Langalanga Scholarship Association and the Langalanga Professionals' Association.