Latest Mwega Primary School, 2020 Renovations Ardingly College, whose LV1 visit Kenya in the summer in normal years to do work in support of local schools in the Gilgil and Langalanga areas, raised funds to make some much needed repairs to Mwega Primary School. The school has about 180 children, the majority of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Despite restrictions imposed as a result of Covid-19 and although LV1 students have not been able to visit this year, the project has gone ahead. Classrooms and a hall have been painted, external walkways repaired and new classroom furniture provided. Thank you Ardingly College for your wonderful support and thanks also to Daniel Githinji, our Project Manager in Kenya, for completing the works. The school is transformed and has been turned into a great learning environment for the pupils at Mwega Primary School. Check out more images here which show progress and some of the finished classrooms.