Dear Scholar,

I write at this very difficult time to say that Trustees' thoughts are with all of you and your families. We recognise that this is a worrying time. The COVID-19 virus pandemic has implications for all of us, and each of us will respond in a different way to the challenges that it presents.  It is important that we all listen, make time for the concerns of others and provide support where we can; your priority should be to follow health guidance and keep safe.

Trustees are aware that the suspension of learning in all of Kenya’s educational institutions will have placed your routine life in turmoil and added to costs as many of you are required to vacate your accommodation, move your things and return home. As a consequence, a small payment of KSh2,500 has been paid into your bank account and should arrive tomorrow, Friday 20 March to assist with any extra costs that you may have faced in recent days.

I also write to assure you that your living allowance will remain at current levels for the next few months to the end of May. A situation of this scale will, however, evolve and the outcomes are uncertain. We therefore do need to consider the implications for the longer term and be careful with our money to ensure that we can continue to support you through to the end of your education. Furthermore, for many of you living costs will have reduced if you have returned home to your family and so we will be reviewing what an appropriate allowance might be beyond May with the advice of Daniel Mwaura and the LLSA Association officials. Do not be alarmed by this – we remain committed to your support, but we all need to manage the coming months with care until this virus is beaten and you can return to your learning. 

In the meantime, I wish you, your families and friends well. We all have a part to play in the coming months.  Please do be responsible and do what you can to protect yourselves and others so that the disease has the minimum impact and does not spread. 

I shall write again to keep you informed. I shall also be using our new website ( which went live yesterday, to convey messages from Trustees.  

Best wishes,

Geoff Nield

Chairman LLT