Jobs Jobs: organising your content You can list current vacancies on this page, separated by headers. Alternatively, if you want to provide a lot of information (or have a lot of vacancies), you could create a listing page to display individual posts for each role. It’s easy to link to files such as PDFs to the page if you want to make a job pack available for users to download. If you want to encourage general job enquiries, you could create a form to enable people to send you the details you want. Content tips Don’t forget to include a friendly note for times when there are no vacancies available: nobody wants to see a blank page! You might even want to encourage people to look at a volunteering page as an alternative. As with all your content, the user journey is really important. You should think about how potential candidates will apply for vacant roles, and make it clear what the next steps will be. To access the links above you will need to be registered on our support site.